Starting Nursery

Although we work hard to create a homely atmosphere, Nursery is different from home. Your child will need time, patience and understanding to settle into Nursery life.

  • Opportunities are given prior to admission for you to spend time in the Nursery with your child. Three free sessions within a two to three hour time frame, usually on the days that your child will be attending are offered.

  • During the first session parent and child stay together and become familiar with the environment and the child’s key worker. During this time, if the practitioner thinks that it is appropriate, the parent will leave the child for a short period of time.

  • Depending on how the child reacts to this session, the child will be left for approximately one hour during the next session. Every child is different and there are no hard and fast rules to settling in.

  • Don’t worry if your child is taking longer to settle. We deal with each child accordingly.

  • When the practitioner feels that it is appropriate, they may suggest that you make a ‘quick exit’, having said your clear and positive ‘goodbye’ and ‘see you later’ with a kiss, to your child. This will ultimately lead to an easier parting between parent and child.