Curriculum EYFS Framework
Red Room
Secure bond with key person and staff
Playing alongside other children
Using two or more words together and joining in with some words and actions of nursery rhymes
Enjoy sharing books with adults
Walking independently and gaining confidence in using climbing equipment
Communicating their feelings and needs.
Blue Room
Moving confidently in variety of ways in physical activities
Developing independence with self-care skills
Speaking confidently in sentences
Starting to take turns
Playing with friends and developing imaginative play
Telling us how they are feeling and managing their feeling with the support of co – regulation
Having favourite books and singing and joining in with nursery rhymes
Developing listening and attention skills
Counting to 10
Identifying simple shapes and sizes
Explores a range of messy play and mark making activities
Starting to identify similarities and differences in the world around us.
Green room
Playing cooperatively with friends, sharing and taking on roles in imaginative play
Confident communicators
Expressing their feelings and needs and managing their feeling with self – regulation
Making their own choices
Independent with self-care
Understanding and using a range of maths language
Respecting others
Having a love of stories, including recalling and predicting. Singing and enjoying a range of music
Confidently and safely use a variety of tools building fine motor skills
Listens to and follows more complex instructions
Learning about the community and the world around us
Confidently uses larger range of physical equipment, taking appropriate risks.
The nursery follows the Early Years Foundation stage curriculum. Further information can be found on the link below.